Many people have questions about the taint. So I thought I would compile all human knowledge about this mystical body part.
DID YOU KNOW? — 89% of Americans have never seen their own taint!?
This is the one I get asked most often. The taint got its name because… it ain’t your ass, and it ain’t your dick. Therefore…it’s the taint!!!
I had to do some research on this one. But it turns out that boars have a taint! Some British scientists did a study about the stank of boar taints.
Apparently they are pretty stank!
Well, the short answer is, no. But the longer answer is, you probably should anyway. Unless you are trying to get a boar taintlike stank, which is not recommended.
First off, I’m not the one that did an Alta Vista search for taint facts. That is you. That is why you came to my website. This website is a public service I took upon myself because there are so many questions about the taint, and very few answers. So I am giving you those answers. That’s it. I am not obsessed with taints in any way.
I also believe this domain name will be a lucrative business investment in the future. The dot coms are just going to keep going. To the moon, you might say. So unless Y2k takes down the internet, which it might, but if it doesn’t, just look for me in space around 2024 because I will be buying my own rocket with taint dollars.
Something like this is probably what I’ll get.
It’s sad that some people do not realize that taints are a birthday delight. For your birthday, if you’ve been good and washed your undercarriage, a birthday taint will come to you. Seriously, why did you think it’s also called a Taint Day? Why did you think you get a taint every birthday? Well that is why. If you haven’t been getting a birthday taint…you might want to see above about washing it.
Some people would say there is no such thing, but my Windows Media playlist would beg to differ. I have 57 taint songs burned onto 3 cds. If you want them, you should probably just go on limewire or KaZaA and search for taint. I can send them to you, but it will take about 30 minutes per song.
But if you do, please put them in the guestbook. Also feel free to share how has helped you change your life.